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GitHub SSH "Permission Denied" Error 본문

데이터 사이언스 공부

GitHub SSH "Permission Denied" Error

박재성 2024. 6. 22. 03:57


When cloning github repository, “Permission Denied” error occurred. You need SSH key generated and the public key under id_rsa.pub should be added to your github account.


  1. Generate SSH key

This will generate two files in the ~/.ssh directory within your home.

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

2. Add public key in Github account

  1. Copy the content of the newly-generated id_rsa.pub file.
  2. Go to github.com/settings/keys
  3. Create new SSH key
  4. Paste the public key content (copied from step a)