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Perception Deception - PBS Documentary 본문

떠오르는 생각들

Perception Deception - PBS Documentary

박재성 2024. 1. 22. 23:25

PBS Documentary - Perception Deception


Perceive is to receive sensory information. Conceive is to form something in our mind and develop an understanding. We consceive based on perception. Brain is in charge of conceiving. Brain is designed to conceive whatever beneficial for our survival and it oftens renders false reality. Even pain can be imaginary. What we think of ourselves and external world might be far different from the actual reality.


The beliefs we have kept in our mind might limit ourself and prevent us from reaching our own full potential.


We should surround ourselves with a better environment so that we can digest better "perception".

We should be always concisous about the discrepancy between perception and conception so that we don't trip over our own feet like a fool.

'떠오르는 생각들' 카테고리의 다른 글

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