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Energy generating glass(PV glass) performance analysis 본문

친환경 건축 공부

Energy generating glass(PV glass) performance analysis

박재성 2019. 4. 20. 00:06

To put it in a nut shell, their glass doesn't have great performance. 



Here is the specification of one of the most popular their product. 



1. Transparency 

It's transparency is relatively low ranging from 10%~30%. You can check how dark is the 20% and 30% transparency glass is with following figures.




2. SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient)

It has wide range of SHGC value from 9%~41% so it's hard to compare but in Passive House standard the minimum SHGC value is 50%. 



3. U-value (Thermal transmittance value)

The U-value represents the level of insulation so to speak. Its U-value is also diverse from 1.0(W/m2K) ~ 5.7(W/m2K). In Passive House standard it require 0.8(W/m2K).


4. Electricity generation efficiency

(Average power of 1 panel of conventional PV: 250W/ average full sun hours: 4hrs/ day ) 

Compared to average PV product it has 23% energy generation efficiency compare to conventional PV.



5. Price

In its website it says the minimum offer they have is $8.64/ sqf
