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How tall are you? I will be like you one day! 본문

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How tall are you? I will be like you one day!

박재성 2022. 10. 2. 00:32

Yesterday, one high school looking Asian kid asked me how tall are you. I answered, "I'm 6'4," and he said, "One day, I'll be like you!". I'm not 100% sure what he meant by be like be. Did he mean height or fitness? I found him cute, and I felt good about myself.


That kid was doing a tricep extension while I was doing pull-ups right next to him. He was skinny but seemed highly motivated to be fit and muscular like a man. At first glance, the weight he was pulling seemed heavy, but he was pulling it hard frowning his face and little shouting. I see his passion and ambition. When I was his age, I was skinnier than him. I hated my slender body and was eager to be like a man and become attractive. Maybe he's feeling the same way.


Yesterday, that boy's saying weirdly fueled my energy. Thank you skinny boy.
