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'The Magic of Thinking Big' by David J. Schwartz Review / '크게 생각할수록 크게 이룬다'를 읽고 본문

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'The Magic of Thinking Big' by David J. Schwartz Review / '크게 생각할수록 크게 이룬다'를 읽고

박재성 2020. 8. 26. 12:22

David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz


Thank you for recommending a great book Sai. I love the classic book. I think there are numerous derivatives stemming from one great old classic. I regard 'Self-reliance' by Ralph Waldo Emerson and 'Think grow and rich' by Napoleon Hill as one of them and I think so as 'The magic of thinking big'.


I listened to this book every time I was commuting for the last week. I really enjoyed and loved it and I could feel that my confidence elevated every time I listened this book. It was inspiring and changed my attitudes towards myself, others, and worlds. I knew the "fact" that "Believe in yourself" and "Positive thinking" are crucial but while I was listening to this book I noticed that deep down in my heart I was not fully convicted. I doubted myself and just kind of wished the goals I was aiming for. But now I feel like I really "can succeed" eventually if I keep practicing lessons I learnt and visualize my specific goals everyday!


01. The root of success - believing in myself. If you don't believe in your success, it will never happen

The young woman's story was impressive. Here is the excerpt 


"""A young woman I'm acquainted with decided two years ago that she was going to establish a sales agency to sell mobile homes. She was advised by many that she shouldn't-and couldn't-do it.


She had less than $3,000 in savings and was advised that the minimum capital investment required was many times that. "Look how competitive it is," she was advised. "And besides, what practical experience have you had in selling mobile homes, let alone managing a business?" her advisors asked.


But this young lady had belief in herself and her ability to succeed. She quickly admitted that she lacked capital, that the business was very competitive, and that she lacked experience. "But," she said, "all the evidence I can gather shows that the mobile home industry is going to expand. On top of that, I've studied my competition. I know I can do a better job of merchandising trailers than anybody else in this town. I expect to make some mistakes, but I'm going to be on top in a hurry."


And she was. She had little trouble getting capital. Her absolutely unquestioned belief that she could succeed with this business won her the confidence of two investors. And armed with complete belief, she did the "impossible" -she got a trailer manufacturer to advance her a limited inventory with no money down. Last year she sold over $1,000,000 worth of trailers. "Next year," she says, "I expect to gross over $2,000,000." """


This young woman's story was impressive. There were numerous reasons why she would not be able to succeed in mobile home business. The market was competitive and she lacked capital and experience. Basically, she had nothing but her guts that the mobile home industry will expand.


I've been interested in 3D building printing industry and have believed that there will be numerous opportunities in this industry. I have an abstract business model utilizing 3d building printing technology but I doubted myself if I can make it even though I never gave it a shot. I was in "Okay, maybe I'll give it a try later but not now but I'm not sure it will work" attitude. I lacked of capital and work experience and the market isn't mature enough but that doesn't mean it's impossible.


I aimed for visa and average-paying salary. That's why I would like to change my career from construction towards data science. I didn't believe in myself to become an innovator or who can achieve the greatness rather set my goal as fairly-good mediocre immigrant. I should readjust my thermostat forward.


Even though, I am a FOB who works in the Korean Restaurant as a server to survive, I will rock the America like Elon Musk.


02. The stem of success - attitude. You think who you are. Look important. Think you work important. Give yourself pep talk several times daily

When I was working in the construction industry, I feel ashamed wearing a hardhat and dirty work boots. I hated it. When I was uploading profile in mobile dating app, I named my job title as Architectural Engineer not including "Construction". I never thought my work is important nor felt proud of doing that. I think that's why I failed so badly. It was my attitude.


The book suggested to build my own "sell yourself to yourself commercial so I made one. Let me brag it.


Self commercial - Jaeseong version

Jaeseong, meet Jaeseong - a legendary fob who will achieve his greatness and build a legacy for his people. Jaeseong, you're honest person, so be honest to yourself and others when it's hard to be honest. Jaeseong, you're a challenger, so take the risk and challenge yourself, when nobody is willing to challenge. Jaeseong, you know life is filled with so much fun. You come up with jokes when your surroundings are depressing. You develop solutions when there is problem. You enjoy difficulties cause you know it's going to be a decent bar snack in the future. Jaeseong, you are audacious, ambitious and generous gentleman. You are fucking awesome. Let's keep it that way. Jaeseong, you will be a legendary fob like Gary V and Elon Musk.


3. The branch of success - Action. Action. Action.

I cannot build legacy only with confidence and positive mind. I should take an action. I should be an Activationist, not the Passivationist. I learnt that inaction produces terrible psychological pain. I noticed that having business idea that I am eager to proceed but not acting upon creates horrible psychological pain. I will cure this pain and fear by acting upon it and I believe it will bring enormous mental satisfaction.


Two days ago, I had an job interview and they said they will announce the result within this week. I feel anxious about the interview result. But now, I feel like it doesn't really matter. Because defeat is just a state of mind. Even if I don't get the job right now, I will keep trying and trying and will get a job eventually. Also, getting a job is not the end of the story. I will build a legacy just like you and will be a legendary fob! Getting a job is an easy part comparing building a legacy.


Thank you so much again Sai for recommending this great book.


I am more than ready for the next book!







Here are some takeaways I took from the book.


  • Doubt, disbelif, the subconscious will to fail, not really wanting to succeed, is responsible for most failures.
  • Think doubt and fail. Think victory and succeed
  • It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don't worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers.
  • Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life. Study the fellow who is shuffling down there in mediocrity. He believes he is worth little, so he receives little. He believes he can't do big things, and he doesn't. He believes he is unimportant, so everything he does has an unimportant mark. As times goes by, lack of belief in himself shows through in the way the fellow talks, walks, acts. Unless he readjusts his thermostat forward, he shrinks, grows smaller and smaller, in his own estimation. And, since others see in us what we see in ourselves, he grows smaller in the estimation of the people around him.
  • A person who thinks his job is important, receives mental signals on how to do his job better; And a better job means more promotions, more money, more prestige, more happiness
  • 1. Always show positive attitudes toward your job so that your subordinates will "pick up" right thinking
    2. As you approach your job each day, ask yourself, "Am I worthy in every respect of being imitated? Are all my habits such that I would be glad to see them in my subordinates?
  • Believe in yourself, and good things do start happening
  • Fear is the first enemy of success
  • Activationist plans a vacation. Mr. A. feels that he should drop a note to someone he knows to congratulate him on some achievement Mr. A. wants to go into business for himself. He does Mr. A., age forty, decides he wants to take up a new line of work. He does Mr. A. gets the things done he wants done, and as by-products he gains confidence, a feeling of inner security, self-reliance, and more income
  • Success shuns the man who lacks ideas. Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to act on them
  • First, give your ideas value by acting on them. Regardless of how good the idea, unless you do something with it, you gain nothing.
  • A good idea if not acted upon produces terrible psychological pain. But a good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction.
  • Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Action feeds and strengthens confidence; inaction in all forms feeds fear. The way to combat that kind of fear-yes, any kind of fear-yes, any kind of fear- is action. Build confidence. Destroy fear through action.
  • Action must precede action. The point is clear. People who get things done in this world don't wait for the spirit to move them; they move the spirit.
  • With a pencil and paper you can tie your mind to a problem.
  • Get the "speak up" habit. Each time you speak up, you strengthen yourself. Come forward with your constructive ideas.
  • People place confidence in the fellow who acts. They naturally assume he knows what he is doing.
  • See things not as is, see things what that can be
  • Don't be blind to potential things
  • You are what you think you are
  • Dig into deeper, you will develop interest
  • You must feel important to succeed, helping others feel important rewards you because it makes you feel more important
  • Defeat is just a state of mind
  • Study setback and pave a way for success
  • Have the courage to be your own constructive critic. Seek out your weakness and correct them. This makes you professional. Stop blaming luck. Research every setback. Blend persistence with experimentations. Stay with your goal but don't be your head against the wall. Try new approaches. Experiment. Remember there is always a good side in every situation. See the good side and weep the discouragement
  • Energy increases/ multiplies when you set a desired goal and resolve to work towards it. Goals cure boredom
  • The goal constantly speaks I'm the image you want to accomplish. Here is what you want to do to make me real
  • Business is interested in competency not the diploma

